Velvet lips

Missing Kuen

Bumpy ride

Wee hours

Pure Luck
(completely unedited, the sky really was this magnificent shade)


Now that blogger finally has made it possible for video uploading, I can share with you an advertising class project. It is a public service announcement for Befrienders. Remember to increase the volume on your computers!


mythsn_legends said...

Awwwww....u posted the card u made for me!!!! Soooo sweet! :)
Missing u too chica!

K said...

hehehe...can't wait for another crazy night out...bring back a hunk this time hehehehe

mythsn_legends said...

hunk??? I brought u one already what....hahaha remember???
Oh btw, your video is AWESOME!!! :)

Asha said...

Hahahaha... you guys are sooo cute!

Yes, Krish... You didn't take advantage of the hunk!!

By the way, cool video and I'm not just saying that! Were you the actor? Hehehehe...

K said...

Ashie!! i am honored by the visits of tha asian aphrodite and mamabear...hehehe yeah i was the actor, and thanks you guys for leaving supportive comments =D

Asha said...

:( Why does Kuen get a cool nick name and mine is freaking lame? Not fair!